Fantasy World tarot Deck – 78 cards Full deck – digital download


The deck includes 78 colorful illustrations in jpg. Each card is 2538×4208 pixels, 600 dpi




Colorful edition/Full Deck

I invite you to make a charming trip to the world of Fantasy and Magic framed into the enigmatic hierarchy of the Tarot. There are Tarot number, card title, character name and zodiac symbol relevant to the card on each illustration. The colorful deck was created with love to the mythology and fairy tales, all the images are concrete but very fabulous and have layered meaning as Tarot cards. Let the breath of imagination flow through your veins!

Each card illustrates one of the famous fictional or mythological character or creature. Witches, zombies, gods, demons, angels, vampires and many others – they are all here.

You will receive digitall zip file for downloading. The deck includes 78 colorful illustrations in jpg. Each card is 2538×4208 pixels, 600 dpi.

Please note, that this is a digital product for download, not a physical cards.


Can be used:

  • Individual non-commercial use
  • 1 personal social media account
  • Personal Youtube channel


Can not be used:

  • End products for sale
  • Client work
  • Personal or commercial logo
  • Website or app use
  • Physical or digital paid ads


The other tarot decks are available here:

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